Canada Oakridge Academy

Any time,Any Where,Yours to learn

Canada Oakridge Academy(简称COA)创始于2015年,位于加拿大最大城市多伦多,是经过安大略省教育部批准和注册(BSID:666015)的一所线上高中,开设安大略省高中文凭课程OSSD。 作为首批获准进入中国的北美全日制在线高中,COA致力于为世界各地的学生提供专业化和智能化的卓越在线学习体验。依托其强大师资、教学资源和教学平台,COA为学生提供全录播形式的安省高中文凭课程OSSD,学生可自由安排时间,不受地域限制,修读OSSD课程,修完规定学分即可获得加拿大安大略省教育厅颁发的高中文凭(OSSD)。














Content、Assessment and Communication


COA 采用的在线学习系统D2L Brightspace,为北美公立教育局指定在线教育平台。学生可以通过该平台简洁明了的操作界面,随时查看教学内容、课程进度、成绩报告、系统信息等课业任务。


Popular Courses

English as Second Language

This course builds on students’ previous education and language knowledge to
introduce them to the English language and help them adjust to the diversity in
their new environment. Students will use beginning English language skills in
listening, speaking, reading, and writing for everyday and essential academic
purposes. They will engage in short conversations using basic English language
structures and simple sentence patterns; read short adapted texts; and write
phrases and short sentences. The course also provides students with the
knowledge and skills they need to begin to adapt to their new lives in Canada.


This course extends students’ experience with functions. Students will investigate the
properties of polynomial, rational, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions; develop
techniques for combining functions; broaden their understanding of rates of change; and
develop facility in applying these concepts and skills. Students will also refine their use
of the mathematical processes necessary for success in senior mathematics. This course
is intended both for students taking the Calculus and Vectors course as a prerequisite
for a university program and for those wishing to consolidate their understanding of
mathematics before proceeding to any one of a variety of university programs.


This course focuses on enabling students to refine their use of the creative process
when creating and presenting two- and three-dimensional art works using a variety of
traditional and emerging media and technologies. Students will use the critical analysis
process to deconstruct art works and explore connections between art and society. The
studio program enables students to explore a range of materials, processes, and techniques
that can be applied in their own art production. Students will also make connections
between various works of art in personal, contemporary, historical, and cultural contexts.


Get Started


  • COA 采用的在线学习系统D2L Brightspace,为北美公立教育局指定在线教育平台。学生可以通过该平台简洁明了的操作界面,随时查看教学内容、课程进度、成绩报告、系统信息等课业任务。
  • 我认为COA的网课非常有特点和有趣,我可以随时联网上课,老师也会及时回复评价作业完成情况。有什么不懂的可以直接联系老师或者发邮件,老师都会认真回复。课程设置页不是乏味的,老师会举很多生动的例子帮助理解,有些内容是其他课程接触不到的,比如进行一些社会问题的辩论,我觉得非常有意思,并受益匪浅。——Nancy Lin(Chengdu)

Study Anytime


“Vivamus id gravida mi, nec ullamcorper purus. Suspendisse ut nibh sagittis lacus viverra aliquam. Praesent ac lobortis mauris, non imperdiet quam. Praesent laoreet elit nisi, id feugiat ante accumsan sed.”

– High School Teacher

“Etiam quis blandit erat. Donec laoreet libero non metus volutpat consequat in vel metus. Sed non augue id felis pellentesque congue et vitae tellus. Donec ullamcorper libero nisl, nec blandit dolor tempus feugiat. Aenean neque felis, fringilla nec placerat eget, sollicitudin a sapien. Cras ut auctor elit.”

– Student

“Semper leo et sapien lobortis facilisis aliquam feugiat ut diam non tempus et malesuada. Semper leo et sapien lobortis facilisis aliquam feugiat ut diam non tempus et malesuada. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed finibus nisi, sed dictum eros.”

– Student

Launch Yourself Into The Future.

Canada Online Academy (COA) is an online based private high school inspected by the Ontaio Ministry of Education (BSID. 666015)COA is commited to bringing authenic classroom learning into online platiorm throuoh interactive lectures tauoht byour enthusiastic teachers. The fexibestructure willenable students to belter customize their high school education and best prepare them for future study. 0ur goal is to provide high-guaityprofessional online education to learners across Canada and around the world.Here at COA, we believe that al students deserve fair and advanced educaion and distance should not be a problem.We continue to welcomeleamersfrom allcultures, as we alwavs strive to provide 100% satisfaction for their educational journey.
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